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Lilith Fund 2021 Year End Gift Receipt (fwd)

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 > To: "Noelle" <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 18:03:52 -0500
 > From: "Lilith Fund" <http://www.lilithfund.org/~info>
 > Dear Noelle,
 > Thank you for supporting abortion access for Texans in 2021. Below is a 
 > summary of your gift(s) in 2021.
 > Even in the midst of a cruel abortion ban, Lilith Fund continues to offer 
 > direct financial assistance to hundreds of clients seeking abortion care who 
 > depend on us for compassion and support.
 > Supporters like you have made it crystal clear that you will always show up 
 > to take care of each other and our communities. You’ve proven that we can 
 > come together even in the face of difficult circumstances.
 > Thank you for believing in the work of Lilith Fund. We hope to continue to 
 > count on your support in the upcoming year as we work together to break down 
 > barriers to abortion access in Texas.
 > Sincerely,
 > Amanda Beatriz Williams
 > Executive Director
 > Summary of 2021 Gifts
 > Contribution Date,Name on Gift,Amount,Tax Deductible Amount
 > 12/23/2021,Noelle,$20.00,$20.00
 > ,Totals:,$20.00,$20.00
 > Your donation is tax-deductible minus the goods or services received. Lilith 
 > Fund's tax ID number is 74-3008249. Lilith Fund
 > box 684949
 > Austin, TX 78768
 > United States If you believe you received this message in error or wish to 
 > no longer receive email from us, please unsubscribe: 

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