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off from work 😎
check work email and slack
do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather
 pull tarp off roof
 mow lawn
cut nails
make sure have Excite Credit Union joint account number
charge work laptop
clone work laptop
backup sneakemail addresses
import No's Keepass files into Lastpass from No's computer
figure out how to make chromium use fewer threads on No's computer
rehearse looking for usernames and passwords with No on No's computer
put Keepass password (available in No's Keepass) into Lastpass from No's computer
make sure can access Lastpass on No's computer
look for replacement for bike tool bag on Nashbar for commute bicycle
go to gym
upgrade unattended-upgrades and apt on asus mini laptop
combine asus:/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades with the distributed file
run asus:/etc/cron.weekly/robert-debsecan again
plan trip to dermatologist and doctor tomorrow
deal with rsyslog upgrade on asus mini laptop
watch Allen
research how to avoid Google on Android
 download F-Droid app store
figure out how to get to dermatologist and doctor tomorrow
do extra duolingo lessons
buy food at Trader Joes
expect call from mom at 8am
recycle and take out garbage

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