celebrate Independence Day 🎆 (AC Transit/VTA/Caltrain holiday) expect Elaine at about 3pm go to Sarah Kishler's thing at 4pm backup sneakemail addresses fix problems with backup hard drive look whether can have a PIN for Session for only a single installation clean up disk space on asus mini laptop remove packages linux-headers-4.19.0-21-686-pae linux-headers-4.19.0-21-common change tube in front wheel on mountain bicycle wash kitchen compost container add newspaper to compost dump kitchen compost and green bucket do hdbackup clear bathroom drains set alarm for cleaning bathroom drains put SkyDroid on Nord cell phone https://skydroid.app/ recycle and take out garbage download podcasts to primary MP3 device set "sleep" on primary MP3 player watch owned DVDs log into robertdeveloper Yahoo account to prevent dormancy log into robertlinuxprogrammer Yahoo account to prevent dormancy log into robertnokidding Yahoo account to prevent dormancy cut toe nails trim eyebrows visit https://existentialcomics.com/comic/random check work email and slack refill ink visit http://www.keplers.org/upcoming-events visit http://www.sfbayacm.org change cron job to invoke cleantrash on macbook only if actually low on disk space (600MB) go through li'l appt book do extra duolingo lessons plan for summer potluck update time on flyers to be 4pm instead of 2pm go to gym go well before 4pm look up fish shell organize todo items make sure reading glasses are not getting loose