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use $user instead of "noelle" in killall in pine on No's computer
make /home/noelle/.ICEauthority.orig.gz readable by all on No's computer
go through li'l appt book
plan for summer potluck
 - we're having our annual summer backyard potluck on August 6 at 4pm.
   Please go to http://evite-replacement to RSVP.
   Hope to see you here
 send something to Igor
 invite Emy
 distribute flyer
put reminder about co-op elections on Sunday on No's calendar
work this weekend
expect No's friend to come over at 1pm
go to pharmacy at 3:30pm for 4pm appt
 fail to bring CDC vaccination card from fire safe
go to pharmacy at 9:30pm for 10pm appt
 bring CDC vaccination card from to-be-filed box
  and digitial card on phone
 get second boost at Target CVS

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