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Long! Answer to my questions about Barnaby & how are you 😮

Caleb here, Jan later,

First news, or the lack of it.
Still no word about Barnaby and not at all sure how (or even if) to proceed.
When he was last here, he was fleeing something unspecified in Texas
and was never going back, now way no how. He was erratic and paranoid
to the extent that I was not easy with leaving him alone with Jan. No
overt violence, but he was loud and unreasonable.
So different than previously. We said he could stay if we got him help
and he got back on his meds. He agreed. We called a social
worker/psychologist from a state agency in Tallahassee who agreed to
come here to do an evaluation.
When she showed up, Barnaby got agitated (understatement) and loud and
although I'm fairly sure he wasn't going to do her harm, it couldn't
be ruled out. She got scared and I felt that I had to get between them
and back him down. Firmly but not violently.
So no evaluation. He wasn't having it.
He decided he would get on a bus to Atlanta and stay with friends. H e
was back in a week with a new plan. Another trip to the bus station.
Later he called from a weekly rented motel in Dothan wanting Jan to
send him money. Barnaby said he would call back in a month. He still
had some money that Bea left. Jan sent it, and that was the last we
When Jan calls or writes, she can naunce that outline better.
Jennie and Jerry are in the middle of a prolonged and messy divorce,
If you're on FB you might already know this. Jerry screwed it up
beyond any redemption. Finances are a nightmare. Not sure how much
hidden debt Jennie will get stuck with. Not going to be clean and
Politically. Dems are busy giving away the mid-terms and probably the
next presidential election. I never thought they had the answers, but
I hoped they would be a step in the right direction. They seem nicer
anyway, but lame and ineffectual.
Still Trump had to go. But is he gone? And if so, will Ron Desantis be
better? Answer: no, not better and much smarter and more presentable.
For a nation of gullible simpletons, a perfect choice.
Weather and environment. Well, look at it. Jesus. Still us applying
free will without the benefit of wisdom.
I'm looking at me dog and realizing that here is a gift undeserved but
needed. Unconditional love one can't expect even from mommy.
And to you. I've tried to imagine what that would be like. I shut down
on the verge of that awful realization. Instead I dream up fantasies
that are more palatable but pure BS. I would break. I can only offer
up useless platitudes, so I won't do that.
However we will do whatever you need, whenever you need it. If you
want a physical presence, we can do that, with lead time, of course. I
can give financial advice, but it's of little value. I will say that
money is a piss-poor investment - it is imaginary and doesn't exist
anywhere in the physical world. It is faith-based and subject to all
the vagaries of human belief. Think real estate ( the word 'real' is
the giveaway).Nothing is fool-proof, but until we ascend, land will
continue to exist. And hey, might even ascend with you if you
subscribe to the theory that this world is a shadow of of the next.
So the world is on fire and our philosophies are getting tested under
extreme duress.
Mine is showing threads and a seam may burst any minute.
I remind myself that we are not dealing with reality so much as
frantically cobbling it together as we go. Using basically little more
than beliefs handed down from other well-meaning but profoundly
ignorant people who are also sleeping soundly at the wheel of life.
Now there's a word picher for you.
 When I look back on my own contribution to the collective tapestry
that we construct each minute, it's not great. Could be much worse,
but could be much, much better.
This note has gotten so long that it's meandering. I'm cutting me off.
Going to another memorial this week for my younger brother. A story
for another time.
Don't hesitate to ask for anything. Worst we can say is "Oh, hell no."
And then we'll laugh; oh, how we'll laugh...

Holy God, maybe I'm the one that needs an 'evaluation'.

More later.

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