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do tasks on Aug 20 that would otherwise do on Aug 27
mitigate spectre/meltdown vulnerability on vultr
 test vulnerability after installing microcode packages and rebooting
create a script "make_periodic_reminders" based on a config file
 format config file as "#days reminder-string"
 search in ~/trash/YYYYMMDD/tasks.new for reminder-string up to #days
 generate a remind-format file that gets included by ~/.remind
 move periodic reminders from ~/.remind to this new config file
add stuff to mini:/etc/cron.daily/1delayweekends on No's computer
 killall -q -0 find
 killall -q -0 tar
fix "cupsenable" problem on No's computer
work 1.5 hours
bring books to drop off at mini-library
send Netflix DVD back while getting bills at Postoffice
expect No to go to 2pm beer coop board meeting at True Brew
see film at 3:40pm
 "Shorts: Mindbenders" @ 3Below
see film at 6:30pm
 "Freedom's Path" @ Hammer Theatre

Why do you want this page removed?