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transfer everything from hard drive to SSD drive on No's computer if installed SSD
 change UUIDs for each partition on cloned disk
  boot into gparted
 boot into legacy drive using single user
 modify /etc/fstab on clone disk to use new UUIDs
 run update-grub
 boot into new drive
 run grub-install with the nvme drive device
 reboot to make sure it works
 figure out which hard drive is which on No's computer
clone No's computer
put combo lock back onto No's computer
expect No to be at yoga retreat
cut toe nails
read article
compile a checklist of needed tools for pulling apart No's computer
 thin phillips head screwdriver
look for RCA->3.5mm jack adapter
charge webcam on side-of-house
buy more cat food
subscribe to another podcast if run out
 Deep Questions with Cal Newport
disable compression on rsync in update_from_mini
ensure $75 check to SJMA cleared
play frisbee, basketball, or racquetball if did not go to gym or work
expect No to go to yoga retreat
put gym stuff into gym bag
lock windows in bedroom
put wristwatch on
plan trip to hike in state or national park
set "sleep" on secondary MP3 player
clear kitchen sink drains
 set alarm for cleaning kitchen drains
clear right ear earwax
 put murine box on pillow
soak oatmeal
look for files which cannot be removed on macbook:~/trash
clean eyelids when taking shower
get hair cut @ 9:30am
cook rice
cook stone fruits
put murine box on pillow so that can clear right ear earwax

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