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Re: From Gail re: outcome of my appointment this afternoon with an orthopedist

We'll likely call you soon to figure out a plan.

 > From: "Gail" <http://www.cox.net/~g3>
 > Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2022 20:54:25 -0700
 > Hi Noelle and Robert,
 > I hope you get this email which I think you said you would today but not
 > Tues. nor Wed. I had X-rays taken this afternoon with my orthopedist who is
 > a specialist in knees and hips. Earlier my sister, Joan who is a contract
 > labor nurse for seniors, told me she had the same symptoms as I have 10 yr.
 > ago, and it turned out that she had iliotibial band syndrome. It turned out
 > that she was right, that this doctor also told me she was right that that is
 > what I have in my right knee and leg that affects the tendon/ligament there.
 > To cure this, he told me to take 1 Aleve tablet at breakfast and 1 Aleve
 > tablet at dinner for 2 weeks in addition to physical therapy twice a week
 > for 12 visits for 6 weeks. Late this afternoon I tried to make an
 > appointment at a physical therapist that I successfully attended for a right
 > hip problem re: tennis prior to the pandemic. I left a phone message but
 > haven't heard back from them yet, but I hope I will be able to start the
 > physical therapy soon. I bought the Aleve today and took the 1st pill at
 > dinner today. The orthopedist agreed that my symptoms were caused by the
 > driving of my new car as I suspected as not ergonomic for me having to sit
 > on a pillow in order to see out to the front hood of my car and agreed that
 > I should get another car that would be better for me which is what I
 > suspected recently. Exchanging my car for a more suitable car may take some
 > time I would guess. I'm just letting  you know where the situation stands so
 > far. 
 > When you receive this email or return on 10/6 please let me know whether you
 > are willing to either drive here to our home so that we can carpool with you
 > in your car on the route we planned through Edna Valley, etc. or forget all
 > those plans and you just stay here in Goleta visiting us and staying at a
 > near by hotel. As another option, my daughter, Kim, also suggested that I
 > could start looking for a driver to pay to either drive us in my car to the
 > Edna Valley area, etc. or in his/her car and back which I will look into.
 > She says she hires such a driver to take her to S.F. when she has to fly to
 > another state on wine business, etc. as doesn't like to drive that drive
 > herself. 
 > I'm so sorry that all this health stuff came up re: me which has been
 > surfacing intermittently for the last month but not before that as I'm not
 > used to not being in excellent health as I am usually. 
 > I look forward to your reply either before or by 10/6 so that if we need to
 > cancel our hotel reservations on 10/8 in Avila Beach, we can without losing
 > our money.
 > We hope you are having a wonderful trip for this 1st portion of your
 > vacation from work and please stay safe from COVID, flu, etc.
 > Best,
 > Gail
 > http://www.cox.net/~g3

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