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celebrate Japantown Rock N' Roll Half Marathon 🏃
put passwords onto cell phone
put combination lock in kitchen junk drawer onto driveway gate
put small ladder into garage
make sure mail got held after verifying that did not get mail today
check lock on wooden gate on side of house
turn off heat
hide outdoor back door key
turn off ice maker
download packing list to phone
put to-be-filed box under bedside drawer
disable rat trap
power down work laptop
put work laptop under to-be-filed box
close curtain between kitchen and laundry room
put leftovers away
process budgetbook and unindexed magazines
chain lock front door
change into nicer shorts
put iPad away
hide iPad in bedroom drawer
log off on No's computer
get out of pine on No's computer
clean eyelids when taking shower
pack for San Luis Obispo/Avila Beach/Sycamore trip
hide keys in kitchen
hand clean dishes
put cat water vessel bowl outside
hide laptops in bedroom
lock work laptop
lock work laptop under printer desk
turn on front porch light
turn off No's computer
pack away No's Windows laptop
hide No's laptop in bedroom
turn off wireless access point
turn off water to house
close curtains if possible
ensure all windows are locked
fill dishwasher
turn on dishwasher
put dvd backup into car
water pick teeth
reboot router in basement
lock macbook using living room futon combination lock
move combination lock from living room futon to bedroom
move combination lock to bedroom from living room futon
set up automatic cat feeder
try to download web pages to phone
engage stoppers on all sinks
verify that motion-activated garage flood light is on and working
set up timers for radio and lamps
continue to pack for San Luis Obispo/Avila Beach/Sycamore trip
close basement door
lock primary laptop
close bedroom, front room, and hallway doors
lock back door
lock driveway fence gate with padlock

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