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Re: Your friend has shared a San Francisco Chronicle link with you:

 > From: heather Howard <http://www.gmail.com/~hhoward40>
 > Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 13:54:34 -0800
 > Well, given the outrageous expensiveness of everything, and the likelihood that 
 > we will be disappointed by the food quality, plus the possible annoyance of 
 > large families with children bearing germs and/or screaming/crying, I would 
 > suggest our own feast.

Noelle thought that


would make sense.

 > I would be happy to host a gathering for us here, especially as I have two 
 > bottles of Dry Creek wine.  I will hold on to one?
 > Then we can eat whatever we desire, especially with more vegan options.  I 
 > would be happy to concoct a delicious salad for us. 
 > Also, we can find a movie to watch? 
 > What say you?

Sure.  I'll cancel our Il Fornaio reservation.

Why do you want this page removed?