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add to Youtube watchlist
run dishwasher after filling
get cash at bank
do hdbackup
add In Bruges to queue
put coins in car
get heavy jacket out of car
give new Cigna insurance card to Noelle
contribute to Roth IRA (1702) after find out tax load
meet with people at noon
 Bhavani, Flora, Marnie, Chris
do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather
 put compost under lime tree
look for books by Paul Ehrlich
wash kitchen compost container
add newspaper to compost
dump kitchen compost and green bucket
go through little appt book
visit https://existentialcomics.com/comic/random
play frisbee, basketball, or racquetball
redeem ATM fees if necessary
read magazines and books if have time
fail to change frequency of non-401K statements to quarterly if they are monthly
meet with friend

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