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HSA-related cards and info?

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Hi Robert,


Your cards will not be received until just before or on 01/01/2023.  It may be a few days after due to the numerous mailings generated by Open Enrollment.  If this should occur, you may register on the carrier website for your account, and this will give you access to your digital ID card. 




If you haven’t received your HSA card by the date of your wife’s appointment, you may pay out of pocket, and submit a claim for reimbursement through HSA bank.



If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kind regards,


Carol Gemignani

GnoStic Wall Benefit Advocate

Alliant Employee Benefits

D   925 378 6476

F   925 287 7400

W  gnosticwall@xxxxxxxxxxx


Upcoming PTO:  12/23, 12/30, 01/03

Office Closures:  Starting at 2pm on 12/23, office will closed through 12/26

                           Starting at 2pm on 12/30, office will be closed through 01/02



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From: Meleah McGlinchy <mmcglinchy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 12:53 PM
To: Robert <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; gnosticwall <gnosticwall@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Carol Gemignani <Carol.Gemignani@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: HSA-related cards and info?


This message has originated outside the organization.


Hi Robert,


I apologize for my delay in getting back to you. I am going to loop in our benefit advocate as they are best equipped to answer your question below.


@gnosticwall@xxxxxxxxxxx will you please let Robert know when he should expect to receive more information about the HSA? He just recently switched from the PPO.




Meleah McGlinchy

HR Generalist Analyst

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From: Robert <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 12:12 PM
To: Meleah McGlinchy <mmcglinchy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: HSA-related cards and info?


@Meleah - I sent a helpdesk request about this.


When should I expect to receive info about the HSA I enrolled it?  I switched from the PPO to the HSA. My wife will have her first doc appt during the first week in January.




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