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RE: FW: Tentative Job Offer for Program Support Asst (OA) with White River Junction VA Medical Center at White River Junction, Vermont.

I don't think it can hurt to try to connect on LinkedIn.  At worst, they
will just ignore you.

 > From: <http://www.gmail.com/~flora>
 > Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2023 21:31:13 -0500
 > Jim was the person I interviewed with. Today is the first time that I spoke 
 > with Dennis. 
 > Would it be weird if I ask to stay in touch with Dennis on Linkedin when I send 
 > my response, given that Jim is the one that I interviewed with and I only just �> ��met” Dennis today?
 > Also, when I looked Dennis up on Linkedin, yes his name is there with his 
 > position, but there is nothing else there, like he has never been on Linkedin. 
 > Should I still try to connect?

Why do you want this page removed?