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Re: NYTimes.com: Breaking Out of the #MeToo Movie Formula

Why is "Women Talking" so impossible to find, 'tho?  Very annoying.

 > From: heather Howard <http://www.gmail.com/~hhoward40>
 > Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2023 10:42:37 -0800
 > Check out this article from The New York Times. Because I'm a subscriber, you 
 > can read it through this gift link without a subscription.
 > Breaking Out of the #MeToo Movie Formula
 > How “Women Talking” and “Tár” make the discourse around the movement 
 > feel thrillingly unfamiliar.
 > https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/31/movies/tar-women-talking-metoo.html?unlocked_article_code=lEt4gNNWlwBSeBBaa4z1b2BVBsEqPywnrookQuZSVmU7a3M9WHtZTuC5xG7LR16Gy7hAnVDdbj2I0G9CCamYI-YtHndryyzmVmPcoK27mmPI24WwTzQwDWcfdg2jhZ5d4CPsNEBc_ujh_bYr1xIy240STxs7EnumHv_DWfByuVCJpv1gK4bGYXEQ1j37mpJDBaj--XqL4pTtR9gcJXm69ekZRoxcT24rvQXTnqd7sjKqXEhQbfC5MjyAM47tzvNHYD0qkcL-4Gugna6G0mUTyfWzzkDwPppYuipYd7iM7weEHYjOD03xaky9sqc5G7whdyAqILXomMcGc6CE7n5Acw&smid=em-share

Why do you want this page removed?