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Re: I've gifted you a Washington Post article: Fears mo unt around ‘catastrophic’ abortion pills case a s decision nears

 > From: heather Howard <http://www.gmail.com/~hhoward40>
 > Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2023 09:27:30 -0800
 > OMG - from bad to worse

Yeah.  This is potentially horrible.

The question is whether there will be stays on the implementation of the
judgment while it is appealed, presumably, all the way to the supreme
court, assuming that it is ruled in the affirmative.  If it does reach the
supreme court, it seems unlikely that they would rule that states have the
right to regulate and administer pharmaceuticals, and not the federal
government; there would probably be a more subtle ruling.

 > My Washington Post subscription allows me to share access to great journalism. 
 > Check out this gift article, at no cost to you: Abortion rights advocates worry 
 > that conservative courts are poised to rule on a Texas lawsuit seeking to ban 
 > mifepristone nationwide https://wapo.st/3HVBvzd

Why do you want this page removed?