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celebrate St. Patrick's Day ☘
look into bolting foundation after solar installed, hung wires, and moved router in the basement and if overall construction has gone down
do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather
check Session messages
prepare for graywater project
 clean laundry room
  move stuff into basement
   ironing board
   garden clippers
   brush and dustpan
  move stuff into garage
   water sealant
expect No to leave to go to John Cougar Mellencamp tonight at 3pm
empty dishwasher
do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather if did not go to work
 go through 1/4th of a box of magazines in garage
refill commute bicycle tires
recharge taillight and headlight AA batteries
refill commute and mountain bicycles taillight batteries
bring books to drop off at mini-library
send Netflix DVD back while getting bills at Postoffice
wash kitchen compost container
add newspaper to compost
dump kitchen compost and green bucket
make a reminder to put stuff into mailbag on Sundays
measure blood pressure
turn off logging in bashpodder after MP3 device is full
create "Connection" on ChargePoint account using code "NOStICwallEV"
download latest W-4 form from work
file away 3/17/2023 paystub
go to gym
buy more harsh drain cleaner for bathroom

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