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Re: P.S. from Gail and Don re: Sun. 4/9

Yes we are leaving Sunday morning.
I was going to attend an event in San Mateo that is happening all 
weekend, but when Sue called me about her idea I decided going to SB 
was more important. But I could not get a refund for the event. 
So I wanted to try to go to the event on Sunday afternoon and 
planned to leave right after breakfast on Sunday anyway.

On Wed, 5 Apr 2023, Gail wrote:

 > Hi Noelle and Robert, 
 > We just received an email from some friends who would like to join us in
 > attending a play together in SB at 2 PM on Sun. April 9. Before I confirm
 > with them and reserve the tickets, I want to make sure that your plans are
 > to leave that Sun. AM after you have had breakfast at your hotel in order to
 > get home in time to get ready to work on Mon. AM. We don't want to rush you
 > off and weren't expecting this invitation at that date and time until now.
 > We will tell them no and try to do it another date and time if you wanted to
 > stay longer this Sun. Please let us know ASAP.
 > Best,
 > Gail

Why do you want this page removed?