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stop CSA box during vacation if necessary
remove stuff from published Fidelity transfer emails
stop the newspaper for several days
hold mail for several days
remove sneakemail data backups from hdbackup
 pd /media/usbhd/cuds/home/robert
 rm Documents/sneakemail_02_25_2023.xlsx Documents/sneakemail*_202[012].xlsx
 cd /media/usbhd/cuds_backups
 rm */home/robert/Documents/sneakemail_02_25_2023.xlsx */home/robert/Documents/sneakemail*_202[012].xlsx
pay $202 April 2023 Chase bill
look into installing Indian English on No's phone
pay $38 to Noelle for Heather's part of the May 6 2023 Pear Theater play
empty dishwasher
run dishwasher after filling
continue helping Noelle with greywater checklist
add "Resurrection" movie to Netflix queue
do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather
 mow lawn

Why do you want this page removed?