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move stuff from shoulder backpack to rolling backpack and vice-versa
dig out ATM card from bedside drawer
record stuff from "Note to Self" Session
 start with "Use bungee cord in no's luggage"
clean kitchen sink
do career stuff
dig out cash from magazine box
dig out car key from magazine box
store away info about Sasan Momeni, the person who bought No's old Prius
do back-up on No's laptop
do Windows Update and back-up on No's laptop
make food list
visit http://www.sfbayacm.org
check work email and slack
go through little appt book
pay $69.53 April 2023 Credo bill
pay $351 May 2023 RBS/Citizens One bill
pay Flora $24.68 for Marnie's car insurance premium
download e-mail on 5/27/2023 in order to review before getting published
update software on cell phone
stop automatic deposits to US Bank
deposit Prudential check in bedside drawer

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