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[Video] How to Keep the Lower Back Limber.

 > Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 01:00:04 -0700
 > From: "Deborah Quinn Lemire, PT, MMSc" <http://www.ptclinic.com/~newsletter>
Title: Newsletter
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3 Simple Stretches is All it Takes
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Quinn Orthopedic Physical Therapy Newsletter

Video Photo

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The lower back is the number one source of musculoskeletal discomfort for most people. The good news is that performing these three exercises can help you maintain your mobility and reduce your risk of experiencing discomfort. Click here to watch the video

Front-wheel Walker & Canes - 5 Tips for Proper Use

Canes & Walkers

Front-wheel walkers and canes can reduce fall risks and allow many to maintain their mobility. However, if not used properly, you may actually increase your risk of falling. Here are 5 tips to ensure the proper use of these assistive devices. Click here to learn more.

Don't risk falling down. If you have questions about the use of a cane or walker, contact us. If you're concerned about your balance, reply to this email and let's connect.

Attention Athletes - New Ways to Improve Your Speed & Agility

Speed & Agility

In the fitness research literature, strength and power training are commonly cited as primary means to improving speed and agility. Trainers and rehab professionals often use other methods and cues to improve performance, but is there any evidence that this works? Click here to read more.

Simply reply to this message if a sports injury is keeping you from participating in activities that you're passionate about. Chances are we can help.

We Highly Recommend Exercise but Do This Too if It's Outdoors

FAQs about Sunscreen Safety

Outdoor exercise is awesome, and there are a variety of activities you can do outside to improve or maintain your health. One recommendation that's often overlooked is the use of sunscreen…and recently, some of the chemicals found in sunscreen are questionable.

We found a good resource for you from the American Academy of Dermatology with answers to common sunscreen questions. Click here for Answers to FAQs

Does Walking for Neck Pain Make Sense?

Neck Pain & Walking

Twenty-percent of our community is dealing with neck pain right now. Can something as simple as walking help with your recovery? The results of this new research study were even a little surprising to us. Click here to read more.

You don't have to suffer if you have neck pain. Simply reply to this message and we'll be in touch to see if we can help you out.

Exercises for Your Brain - We Challenge You to Add Just One!

Brain Exercise

Here's a nice graphic (from a physical therapy special interest group) with a good list of cognitive exercises for your brain. How many are you doing? Can you add just one of these to your daily activities?
Click here for the graphic.

Until Next Time,

Thanks from Deborah Quinn Lemire, PT, MMSc

Quinn Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Phone: 408-252-6076
Email: info@xxxxxxxxxxx

Our Services

  • Orthopedic Rehabilitation
  • Pre and Post Surgical Rehabilitation
  • Specialty Therapies
  • Telehealth
  • Women's Health
  • Workers' Comp Rehab
  • Motor Vehicle Injury


20823 Stevens Creek Blvd #200
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-6076
595 Park Ave #101
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 947-8466

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