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measure blood pressure
listen about Black punks on Code Switch
enroll in work 2024 healthcare insurance medical coverage
 assume $9300 max HSA contribution
run dishwasher after filling
bring books to drop off at mini-library
leave backup hard drive at home
get tires for car at 7:30am
 at Bruce's
charge cell phone
update software on cell phone
consider gnotime alternative
read IEEE e-magazines on macbook or mini laptop
 Software after 2/2022
 IEEE Security & Privacy after 12/2021
do extra duolingo lessons
determine number of minutes on T-Mobile cell by calling #999#
take statin
wash kitchen compost container
add newspaper to compost
dump kitchen compost and green bucket
download receipt
come up with another intentional community discussion
clean eyelids when taking shower
check work email and slack
recharge taillight and headlight AA and D batteries
take vitamins
listen to voicemail
leave at 1:15pm for 2:15pm appt
expect Kathryn via BART at 5:25pm

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