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Re: NYTimes.com: Ego, Fear and Money: How the A.I. Fuse Was Lit

It's bizarre that I would agree more with Elon Musk than Larry Page.  But,
unlikely Larry Page, I believe that humanity is doomed in any case, and
being replaced by machines is no worse or better than being replaced by

(You should watch "Extrapolations" on Apple TV+.)

I didn't know Musk was married to Talulah Riley (
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0475784/characters/nm1506908 ).  I honestly
don't remember this character in Westworld.

 > From: heather Howard <http://www.gmail.com/~hhoward40>
 > Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2023 10:00:37 -0800
 > Check out this article from The New York Times. Because I'm a subscriber, you 
 > can read it through this gift link without a subscription.
 > Ego, Fear and Money: How the A.I. Fuse Was Lit
 > The people who were most afraid of the risks of artificial intelligence decided 
 > they should be the ones to build it. Then distrust fueled a spiraling 
 > competition.
 > https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/03/technology/ai-openai-musk-page-altman.html?unlocked_article_code=1.DE0.F68p.CiwMPg-HGmE8&smid=em-sharer

Why do you want this page removed?