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Re: From Gail re: meals and things to do while you are here

On Sat, 16 Dec 2023, Gail wrote:

 > Hi Noelle and Robert,
 > That situation includes any other hiking we might want to do with
 > you while you are here.

Sorry I didn't write back sooner. We were in Esalen all weekend and 
offline. The monarch butterflies were flying all over the 
property.Saturday it was very warm and sunny then on Sunday the 
thunderstorms came and so we had to drive home in the rain.I was 
very tired after this active weekend.

 > There is a choice of vegetables that you can
 > let me know soon which you prefer which are: steamed broccoli with garlic
 > and herbs, 

how about the steamed broccoli & herbs?

 > For meals on the other days you are here prior to 12/24, perhaps you can
 > research current vegan restaurants we can go to that also has non vegan
 > food, and I will try to find the time to also do that.

the only restaurant meal would be on 12/23 

Why do you want this page removed?