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Reply: From Gail re: wine fridge article (fwd)

 > From: "Gail" <http://www.cox.net/~g3>
 > Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2023 21:17:25 -0800
 >  Thanks so much for sending this helpful information which I will
 >  keep for the future.  All of the ice at the top of our present
 >  wine cooler has now melted and disappeared.  We haven't had any
 >  water leaking on our floor in the last couple of days, so we will
 >  see what happens in the near future before we run out and buy a
 >  new one.  We may be able to keep the present one for a while,
 >  hopefully.  If not, I will have to count the number of bottles we
 >  have in order to know what size to get for a replacement.  The
 >  present wine cooler sounds quieter than it was for the last
 >  several months as I think it was having to work too hard.
 >  Best,
 >  Gail
 >  -----Original  Message-----
 >  From:  Noelle  [http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg] 
 >  Sent:  Tuesday,  December  26,  2023  5:41  PM
 >  To:  Gail   <http://www.cox.net/~g3>
 >  Subject:  wine  fridge  article
 >  here is what Robert found:
 >  https://www.foodandwine.com/lifestyle/kitchen/best-wine-fridges
 >  Good  luck!

Why do you want this page removed?