figure out vacation time for No renew minutes for 2023 refresh minutes on T-Mobile cell 📱 as determined by calling #999# move t-mobile refill date to Jan 1 or later renew $10 of minutes for 2023 bring PIN refresh $10 of minutes on T-Mobile cell 📱 as determined by calling #999# renew on or before Jun 19 determine number of minutes on T-Mobile cell by calling #999# put big ladder away put small ladder away do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather clear leaves from gutters mow lawn take down wasp nests on front porch and near french doors charge cell phone update software on cell phone fill dishwasher make sure No's 401K contributions are max'd out clean disk if don't have more than 2 months in ~/trash put all AuthPass stuff on cell phone into KeePass record list of apps installed on cell phone Gboard Google Lens Google Maps Google Chrome Arlo Secure Brave Classic Big Keyboard Duolingo Eero Wifi System Transit Xodo Yelp Zoom F-Droid Fennec SimpleKeyboard TorBrowser OsmandPlus CalendarPro AF Weather Your Local Weather AuroraStore Briar LocalSend AuthPass Finder PhoneTrack×tamp=%TIMESTAMP Session Termux Paseo QKSMS Recorder Shizuku SnapDrop do extra duolingo lessons update email address contacts on Lastpass go to trivia at 6pm work at 9:15pm