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look up Google Authenticator substitute for Flora
see film at 12:10pm
 "Of Color and Ink"
clean outside backyard table
pull out cushions for chairs
eat lunch in the backyard with friend
 Heather after movie
stuff pockets with bags
buy food at Trader Joes 🛒
check Paypal Stadium schedule
go to gym
do 2023 taxes
 ensure received 1099-SA for HSA spending
 delay filing taxes until received 1099-SA from HSABank
file $1510 HSA excess contribution as "other income" for taxes
 wait for 1099-SA from HSABank
pay $242 February 2024 Chase bill
check work email and slack
redeem ATM fees if necessary
visit https://existentialcomics.com/comic/random
figure out why "while" loops in bash fork processes

Why do you want this page removed?