look up Google Authenticator substitute for Flora see film at 12:10pm "Of Color and Ink" https://tickets.cinequest.org/websales/pages/info.aspx?evtinfo=370651~a12ee803-7eae-437e-8208-1c4d52da2020&epguid=83980c85-25e4-4e57-9648-95e2018763c5& clean outside backyard table pull out cushions for chairs eat lunch in the backyard with friend Heather after movie stuff pockets with bags buy food at Trader Joes 🛒 check Paypal Stadium schedule go to gym do 2023 taxes ensure received 1099-SA for HSA spending delay filing taxes until received 1099-SA from HSABank file $1510 HSA excess contribution as "other income" for taxes https://www.irs.gov/publications/p969#en_US_2022_publink1000204078 wait for 1099-SA from HSABank pay $242 February 2024 Chase bill check work email and slack redeem ATM fees if necessary visit https://existentialcomics.com/comic/random figure out why "while" loops in bash fork processes