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clone No's computer
pay Flora $25.65 for Marnie's car insurance premium
make rm.cc move the file within the source directory prior to the real move to ensure have proper permissions
go through little appt book
do Saturday yard work today
do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather if did not go to work
 trim oak tree in front
 mow lawn
do career stuff
measure blood pressure
 127/81 58
expect No to go to Clockwork Alchemy
figure out what to do instead since tomorrow's workshop is now unavailable
do not plan tomorrow morning's trip to workshop
do not bring stuff to workshop tomorrow
 distance glasses
 cell phone
do no leave at 7:30am tomorrow to attend 9am workshop until 5pm since cancelled
 Cohousing Solutions
 445 Calderon Ave
take a 3000 step walk
dump kitchen compost and green bucket
wash kitchen compost container
charge cell phone

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