expect No to attend 8am meeting drop off No at beer event this afternoon meet at 1pm https://www.meetup.com/southbaycohousing/events/301550519/rsvp/ eat dinner with friend Heather at home play frisbee, basketball, or racquetball plus taking a 3000 step walk if did not go to gym and did not take a 5000 step walk and did not go on a 50-minute bike ride or low-impact HIIT workout fill dishwasher run dishwasher after filling cut toe nails trim eyebrows update software on cell phone do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather pull grass on Northside of house check solar system https://monitoring.solaredge.com review mycare/mychart for unpaid bills from March 2024 go through little appt book file away Bank of America card do dvdbackup add to Youtube watch list https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QMDFIj5g9U