celebrate Independence Day 🎆 (AC Transit/VTA/Caltrain holiday) make chocolate stone fruit crisp for potluck make sure disabling Google sync to Photos reduced space usage on No's cell phone wash kitchen compost container dump kitchen compost and green bucket recycle and take out garbage make sure June 22nd $37 check to Farm Fresh to You cleared turn off and on shut-off valves on all faucets: laundry room, toilet, kitchen and bathroom sinks check work email and slack do duolingo lessons check Session messages check that can pick up prescription tomorrow transfer all passwords from Keepass on No's laptop to KeepassXC review Google space usage for No's account to make sure under 5GB put more Post-Its at bedside cut nails update automatic credit card payments associated with the following services https://www.usps.com/manage/boxes.htm flickr sonic.net meetup netflix ChargePoint arag vultr City Sports review home assessment value remove ADP entry in Firefox on No's laptop activate new RBS/Citizens Bank card go through little appt book put No's cell phone into case charge work laptop put wristwatch on take statin tonight bring chocolate stone fruit crisp for potluck go to potluck at 6pm Sarah Kishler's 61975 Bonnie Ln Los Gatos