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Re: EBB Dashboard Uploading Complete - Submit for Approval / Reimbursement

I did as you said and the pop-up says "You have successfully submitted
your application.  EBB will review your application and let you know if
any additional action is required."


 > From: Cortney Buletti <http://www.boltdownthebayarea.com/~cortney>
 > Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 20:55:39 -0500
 >  EBB Dashboard Uploading Complete - Submit for Approval / Reimbursement
 > Hi Robert,
 > Thank you for providing the signed permit record and the inspector's
 > information.
 > All required post-retrofit assets have been uploaded so you can now log
 > onto your EBB dashboard
 > <https://app.builderprime.com/click-link?c=yLsihgX22TvWYaLR3T2Udu2yZ&m=4211789>
 > and Submit for Approval / Payment.
 > EBB Submit for Approval and Payment Authorization
 > Click on the Payment Authorization Form and select yourself "Homeowner" as
 > the recipient of the payment.  Because you are the EBB program applicant
 > and for accounting purposes we cannot accept payment on your behalf.
 > Once submitted, EBB will proceed with the final review phase of all the
 > uploaded documents to approve payment. This usually takes 2-3 weeks.
 > Upon approval, clients are telling us it takes about 2 weeks to receive
 > your reimbursement check.
 > We'll be monitoring the EBB dashboard but please forward us any 'Action
 > Required' emails you receive since we do not get a copy of those emails
 > from EBB. Sometimes EBB needs additional information and we want to make
 > sure to address any issues promptly.
 > Take care,
 > Cortney Buletti
 > EBB Dashboard Manager
 > Bolt Down The Bay Area
 > 707.582.0448
 > Bolt Down The Bay Area
 > 1424 Cunningham Rd
 > Sebastopol, CA 95472
 > (866) 664-2658

Why do you want this page removed?