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Rising Sun Green House Kit Shipped!


Thank you for completing your Green House Call survey! We have received
your information and we are pleased to inform you that you qualify for an
energy and water efficiency kit. We will ship your kit shortly. When we
ship your kit, you will receive an email from Stamps.com that includes a
USPS tracking number.

Click here
to see what is included in your kit!

While you await your kit, we encourage you to further your energy
efficiency journey by looking into BayREN’s Residential
Programs. ,https://www.bayren.org/rebates-financing,

Once again, thank you for your time! Please email us at
http://www.risingsunopp.org/~EEkits ,http://http://www.risingsunopp.org/~EEkits/, or call us at
510-665-1501 Ext. 300 if you have any questions.


The Rising Sun Team  

Rising Sun is a local nonprofit that operates job training and employment programs for underserved youth and adults to address climate change and economic inequity. Green House Calls are supported by Ca utility customers like you and administered under the auspices of the Ca Public Utilities Commission. 

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