leave at 9:15am for 10:15am appt Roeliza Ebbah Pascua 625 Lincoln Ave where-I-live 95126-3785 408-871-3400 go to lunch at Namma at noon to meet with ex-co-workers clean space on backup hard drive ask about various things associated with lay-off ask about why got another laptop return box laptop return 1Z7413838977629571 check that EDD received questionnaire USPS certified mail 7022 3330 0002 2728 4252 bring vaccination hat in from commute bicycle unplug MP3 player go to doc appt on Monday leave backup hard drive at home download e-mail on 9/21/2024 in order to review before getting published deal with layoff visit https://edd.ca.gov/Unemployment/After_You_Filed.htm get rid of a small box worth of stuff test macula in eyes using amsler grid https://www.enhancedvision.com/low-vision-info/eye-conditions/amsler-grid-test.html visit https://existentialcomics.com/comic/random bring recycling and garbage bins in