take over Umunhum meetup plan for trip to New England help No move calendar over from gtempaccount to alum account water pick teeth stuff pockets with bags buy food at Trader Joes add youtube video about broken tiles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMDD3NHKaYA announce meetup figure out whether need to wait for organizer to step down from meetup to take over a group make sure still have 401K account in Fidelity account erase sensitive documents on No's phone go through little appt book download podcasts to primary MP3 device test macula in eyes using amsler grid https://www.enhancedvision.com/low-vision-info/eye-conditions/amsler-grid-test.html look up cloth weed barrier options for grass on Northside of house https://www.startpage.com/sp/search?query=%22cloth%22+weed+barrier look up long-term weather to prevent water from getting into garage leave backup hard drive at home