* place space heater into front room from closet
* schedule flu shots for both of us
* dump kitchen compost and green bucket
* wash bedroom windows from outside (or any other windows)
* dig up weeds against fence
* clean dishwasher filter
* clean microwave
* declutter bathroom
** get rid of stuff on bathroom sink
* declutter front room
* put away work table in front room
* put CDs on floor in dining room into cabinet
* wipe down kitchen counter over dishwasher
* wipe down kitchen counter right of sink
* sweep stove top
* vacuum living room
* put all DVDs into lower drawer next to TV
* review chemicals and sprays left by Phil Jackson in the garage
* clear cobwebs on porch
* review earthquake supplies in car
* look up cloth weed barrier options for grass on Northside of house
* register trikes and bikes with BikeIndex
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bike_Index
* put tie wrap around gas shutoff wrench outside
* review earthquake supplies
** emergency lights
** water
** face masks
** gas stove
** water purification tablets
** water purifiers
** hand sanitizer
** fire extinguishers
** radios
** medicine
** earthquake tent
** sleeping bags
** look at supplies in car
** food
* update emergency to-go packing list
** documents
** list of contacts: family, friends, and emergency services
** prescription glasses
** garbage bags
** phone charger