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do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather pick persimmons for the week pick up prescription on December 3rd recycle pick up prescription on Tuesday to get Pravastatin refill contact Steven Spielman* empty dishwasher fill dishwasher run dishwasher after filling download podcasts to secondary MP3 device pull ivy, including avocado tree and rear of garage pull ivy around avocado tree unplug MP3 player backup sneakemail addresses do hdbackup ask everyone about secret santa place space heater into living room from under futon put away table fan look at meetups for coming week play frisbee, basketball, or racquetball put some rags in garage for bike maintenance tasks rake up the packing peanuts near fence near front of garage gather branches from street to put onto northside of house go through little appt book verify that got reimbursed from dentist $263.70 Oct 30 2024 celebrate Noelle's 60th birthday go to event at 2pm No's birthday bash https://partey.io/ywEvd6UMAtfq Poor House Bistro 317 W. St. John St where-I-live 95110 walk 5000 steps if did not do 50-min RBG workout or yoga or do enough outside yard work cut toe nails get rid of a small box worth of stuff join meeting at 8am cook beanies

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