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off from work 😎 cook lentils fail to get through to Morgan Stanley about getting account to show up in web portal buy 9 volt battery for smoke detector at Target look at where 401K contributions are going clean eyelids when taking shower leave backup hard drive at home backup sneakemail addresses put 9 volt battery into smoke detector after buying see dining room table do yard work and other outside tasks during clear weather plant agave succulent nail down the automated uses of ~/.netrc research whether can generate one-time-passphrases for gnupg secret keys https://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg/Unattended-GPG-key-generation.html do not move forward with putting random passphrase in .netrc that can be used by a new gpg key for .netrc.pgp https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/732836/how-to-generate-random-master-password find way to read a password on the command line skip idea of creating a new gpg key specifically for .netrc.pgp make sure can pass in passphrase into gpg (and gpg-agent) gpg --passphrase-file <(read -p Password: -s PASS;echo $PASS) -q --batch -d ~/x.gpg watch Allen do duolingo lessons check Session messages take statin tonight

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