Did you print this out and sign it and email it?
(Generally, it's not a good idea to send your signature via email, but you
probably already did this, so it's too late.)
I also recommend downloading this to Gail's phone as well.
> From: Noelle <noelle>
> Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 16:22:53 +0000 (UTC)
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: Yane Marquez <http://www.authenticcuba.expert/~support>
> To: Darlene Tenes <http://www.casaq.com/~darlene>
> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2025, 6:06:19 AM PST
> Subject: Cuba Trip (Travel Affidavit)
> Good morning everyone,
> You will travel to Cuba on a General License, under the following
> OFAC authorized travel category.
> Support for the Cuban people - Section 31 CFR § 515.574 of
> the current Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) regulations.
> Persons relying upon this authorization must retain records related
> to the authorized travel transactions, including records
> demonstrating a full-time schedule of authorized activities.
> As part of your Cuba travel documentation, you must complete and
> sign the attached Travel Affidavit.
> Please print, complete and sign the attached form.
> Scan the completed and signed Travel Affidavit and email to:
> http://www.authenticubatours.com/~info ,http://www.authenticubatours.com/~info,
> IMPORTANT: We need to receive your signed Travel Affidavit by next
> Thursday January 30th.
> VERY IMPORTANT: Please, be sure to have a signed copy of this
> Travel Affidavit when re-entering the United States following your
> visit to Cuba.
> Thanks and regards,
> Yane
> --
> Yane Marquez
> http://www.authenticcuba.expert/~support
> Authentic Cuba Travel
> Marina del Rey Professional Centre
> 513- 2275 Lakeshore Blvd. West
> Toronto ON M8V 3Y3
> www.authenticubatours.com ,http://www.authenticubatours.com, Website
> 877 280 2054 Toll Free North America
> 647 351 8191 Toronto and International
> 647-342-3622 Facsimile
> {#HS:2828197171-109815#} https://secure.helpscout.net/notification/convo/read/2828197171/8569175789/
> Content-Type: application/pdf
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Travel.Affidavit.Support.Cuban.People.pdf"
> Content-ID: <http://profiles.yahoo.com/9de35073-87fb-4d68-baea-cf652ddc9b9b>
> Travel Affidavit
> I understand that, under Cuban Assets Control Regulations (the
> “CACR”), U.S. persons are prohibited from
> engaging in travel-related transactions to Cuba, unless such
> persons qualify for travel under one of twelve categories stated in
> the CACR. I further understand that the Office of Foreign Assets
> Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury
> (“OFAC”) administers and enforces the CACR
> and has authority to request information about my travel to Cuba.
> I, the undersigned, declare and certify that I fall under the category
> described below.
> CATEGORY: General License for Support for the Cuban People
> – 31 C.F.R. Part 515.574(a) of the current Office of
> Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury
> (“OFAC”).
> Section 31 C.F.R. Part 515.574(a) of the Cuban Assets Control
> Regulations authorizes individuals to engage in travel-related
> transactions involving Cuba as set forth in section 515.560(c) of
> the Cuban Assets Control Regulations and other transactions that
> are intended to provide support for the Cuban people.
> I’m traveling to Cuba to engage in a full-time schedule
> of activities of individuals and nongovernmental organizations that
> promote independent activity intended to strengthen civil society
> in Cuba. I will engage in a full-time schedule of activities that
> enhance the contact with the Cuban people, support civil society in
> Cuba, or promote the Cuban people’s independence from
> Cuban authorities; and will result in meaningful interaction with
> individuals in Cuba. My full-time schedule of activities does not
> include free time or recreation in excess of that consistent with a
> full-time schedule. I will not stay at any hotel that appears on
> the Cuba Restricted List (see § 515.209), and will not
> lodge, or pay for lodging, at any property on the CPA List to the
> extent prohibited by § 515.210.
> I understand that I must retain specific records related to the
> authorized travel transactions (including but not limited to copies
> of this travel affidavit, tickets, invoices, receipts, and
> itineraries, etc.) demonstrating a full-time schedule of authorized
> activities and of expenses incurred while in Cuba for a period of 5
> years following the trip.
> Name:
> Dates of Travel __________________________________________________
> I declare that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my
> knowledge.
> Signature: _________________
> Date: ________________________