leave at 6pm for dinner
swing by airport at 10pm
Noelle's trip to Cuba
get rid of certain URLs which hang in midnight.aux
put stuff that was in Noelle's purse that won't need on trip into Noelle's bedside cabinet
fill dishwasher
run dishwasher after filling
set wristwatch alarm for haircut appt for tomorrow
move key derivation from .netrc.pgp to .netrc.gpg
create symmetric /run/user/1000/.netrc.gpg directly in update_netrc
create symmetric /run/user/1000/.netrc.gpg derived from .netrc.openssl instead of home directory in check_pgpdaemon
create symmetric .netrc.gpg derived from .netrc.openssl in /run/user instead of home directory
break down use of .netrc into different categories
ecryptfs unwrapped passphrase (/root/hdbackup & /root/dvdbackup)
put unwrapped passphrase into /run/user