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Re: lubricating bicycle in winter

 > From: Bhavani <http://www.rcn.com/~bhavani.nh.ultranet>
 > Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:46:16 -0500
 > I have spray Gear & Wire Rope Lube - spray it on the outside or where the 
 > chain rusts and it won't rust anymore.  It is very sticky & greasy but 
 > very thick.

I noticed that sprays don't work in very cold weather.

I oiled my chain using T-9 today and it worked great.

I looked at my bicycle book last night and, like you said, it suggested
90W motor oil.  Probably something lighter would be better for the cold
weather.  When I run out of the T-9 stuff, I may go to a auto store and
buy some lightweight motor oil.  (The T-9 stuff is expensive.)

I'll clean the chain in the spring when there's no snow on the ground.

 > I used it on my chains and exposed parts.  It's available at 
 > Graingers and I have to pick up spare cans but I have some you can have in 
 > the meantime.  I can't mail it however.  We'll be at Ted's Thurs and will 
 > call you afterward.

Thanks again.

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