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largest growing occupations (jobs)

Computer software engineers, applications
Computer support specialists
Computer software engineers, systems software
Network and computer systems administrators
Network systems and data communications analysts
Desktop publishers
Database administrators
Personal and home care aides
Computer systems analysts
Medical assistants
Social and human service assistants
Physician assistants
Medical records and health information technicians
Computer and information systems managers
Home health aides
Physical therapist aides
Occupational therapist aides
Physical therapist assistants
Fitness trainers and aerobics instructors
Computer and information scientists, research
Veterinary assistants and laboratory animal caretakers
Occupational therapist assistants
Veterinary technologists and technicians
Speech-language pathologists
Mental health and substance abuse social workers
Dental assistants
Dental hygienists
Special education teachers, preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school
Pharmacy technicians

from http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2001/11/art4full.pdf

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