Hi Robert, I went through the security clearance process twice, one for Los Alamos and once for Alphatech. Both experiences make me feel that it would not be something you would want to do. For Los Alamos (a higher-level clearance), they fixated on the fact that I'd admitted to smoking pot at some point in my life. The wanted the names of the people I'd smoked it with, which I refused to give. This bothered them. They interviewed a female friend of mine, and asked her whether I'd slept with her. For Alphatech, they also had to come out for a special interview because I'd admitted to smoking pot. These are not people in touch with everyday American reality. In general, you can expect to have to answer questions about your personal habits, and to be asked for information on your friends and their personal habits, as well as having your friends be bothered with these sorts of questions. Unless you really want the job, I'd say to avoid anything requiring a security clearance. It just isn't worth the annoyance.