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Re: Boston Public Health Commission - IS Manager

 > From: PETER VERMILYE <http://www.comcast.net/~peterhv>
 > Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 16:23:13 -0400
 > Hi Robert,
 > I applied for this job last year through the BPH web site, when I saw a 
 > listing in the Globe.
 > Just one of many I should be following up on I guess.  I hope your 
 > interview went well.

Well, it went "badly" in the sense that the job description was completely
inaccurate!  (They really needed a web programmer.)  I thought Susanna or
Tim might be interested so I got some contact info and passed it on to
them so they could apply.


 > Regards,  Peter Vermilye
 >           617-242-4340

Why do you want this page removed?