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Allen Hebert

>X-MindSpring-Loop: http://www.testman.com/~richard
>X-Sender: http://www.mail.adelphia.net/~bhavani
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1
>Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 06:18:15 -0400
>To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert (robert)
>From: Bhavani <http://www.adelphia.net/~bhavani>
>Subject: Fwd: Re: History Lesson
>Cc: http://www.testman.com/~richard
>>Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 20:06:38 -0400
>>From: allen <http://www.comcast.net/~allen.hebert>
>>Reply-To:  http://www.comcast.net/~allen.hebert
>>User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.0.2) 
>>Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02
>>X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
>>To: Bhavani <http://www.adelphia.net/~bhavani>
>>Subject: Re: History Lesson
>>Well I tried today. I was around the neighborhood, could not find the 
>>place, and then my cell phone battery died. I was overheating body wise 
>>and in slacks from that funeral service so I decided to just come home 
>>and cool off.
>>Now I know that I will not have any time for several days as I have to 
>>get an apt done for 9/1.
>>My thoughts are this: if you can rent anything within 128 that has 2 beds 
>>its worth minimum of 1200 a month. If I was close to the place - it has 
>>lots of restaurants and bars - so this could be good, this could be bad. 
>>There is a program called 3d Home that I bought for 40 bucks and it is 
>>older BUT it allows one to do a blueprint and then 3d and colors and 
>>floors and a materials list. This is if one wants to renovate. I do not 
>>recall the sq ft of the house - I think that you implied 800 to a1000.? 
>>If its 250k for a house and not a condo - that sounds like a decent deal. 
>>You can go to wwwboston.com and see house / condo sales.
>>Lastly - say you did take it over and invest 50k in it. You are in the 
>>city and there are resources for when one is older. I mean - if you 
>>cannot drive or need medical assistance its a whole lot easier in the 
>>city than way out in the woods. We kept Camb for that very reason - we 
>>will have something to go back to when we are older (if we can make it 
>>and be more grumpier). There are articles written how many people are 
>>selling their singles in the burbs and getting condos that have much less 
>>work - like lawn & leaves & snow! If this is a small place, then its less 
>>to deal with in the maint dept.
>>I am not buying. I am not selling. I am trying to get one last unit 
>>online that has been offline for 6 years!
>>I would say that anyone who can buy a shack in that area should be paying 
>>at least 300k. And if they do improvements properly they will enjoy them 
>>and pretty much get their money back on the improvements. Then too there 
>>is appreciation of the place. You could get a home inspection for a few 
>>hundred and that would enlighten you to the condition its in.
>>So print this out and let your wife read it. The two of you have to 
>>figure it out. BUT believe me that there are a whole lot more things 
>>going on in the city than the woods. And there is probably public 
>>transportation too.
>>Bhavani wrote:
>>>Hi Allen,
>>>My son in  is selling his house and I was wondering if it would 
>>>be worth investing in for us.  It is small - a basement which is the 
>>>kitchen and 2 floors0 the first is the living room with a bedroom off it 
>>>and the second being the master bedroom.  The foundation is made of 
>>>rocks.  The kitchen needs to be redone.  Some way of getting more light 
>>>into the living room is needed 0 like a sunroom or something.  My 
>>>question is is it worth getting involved with?  Would it be possible for 
>>>you to take a quick look at it today?  The problem is that our present 
>>>landlord wants us to sign a lease for a year and if we take over our 
>>>sons house, obviously I don't want to sign a lease.
>>>Its an important decision.  Also can you email 
>>>me your phone numbers.
>>>Thanks much.

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