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Goodman's order STOCK STATUS

September 18, 2003

Re: Order Number:   257347

Dear robert:

1. **PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL**  To send an e-mail, please go to
http://www.goodmans.net and select Contact Us on the upper right side of the

2. If this receipt does not display the items you ordered, please call or
e-mail us.

This is an automatic letter which shows the stock status of your order.  The
following is your order:

 Item                                         Qty      Qty      Qty
 Number    Description                        Ord.     Shp.     Bck.    By
---------- ------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- -------
BR-RR4005  Braun 4005 razor REFURB            1.00     0.00     0.00

If any items are listed BELOW this line, they are on backorder.  If you have
a partial backorder and would like the rest of your items shipped ahead,
please contact us.

 Item                                         Qty      Qty      Qty
 Number    Description                        Ord.     Shp.     Bck.    By
---------- ------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- -------

You will receive another e-mail message when your order has been charged and
shipped.  Thank you for your business!

Yours truly,


Order status can also be viewed at Goodman's by visiting
http://www.goodmans.net and clicking on ORDER STATUS.


Toll free: 1-888-333-4660
Local: (305)278-8822
Fax: (305)278-1884

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