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things to get at house in

I need you to get:

1) The ice cube maker thingys in the freezer in the kitchen.  They look like
bottles with large plastic caps on them.  There are 2 of 'em.
2) The cyan and purple scarf curtain in the bathroom.

Things you may want to take:

3) The vacuum cleaner, food, and empty storage containers in the foyer closet.

Small things to do:

4) Throw away the Poland Spring bottle in the bathroom.

Bigger things to do if you feel up to it:

5) Vacuum front room.  I sprinkled that rug cleaner stuff and it's still on 
rug since the vacuum cleaner broke.
6) Bring a small sweeping brush with you and sweep the kitchen cabinets and
kitchen countertops.
7) Throw away any remaining food items in cabinet to the left of the kitchen

Finally, your StumbleUpon password is "stumbleupon".  Just in case.

--- "Margaret" <http://www.juno.com/~margaretch> wrote:

Why do you want this page removed?