> From: "kathryn m" <http://www.kathaus.org/~cat> > Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 16:18:59 -0800 > > i might make it to Cody's. are you doing dinner either > before or after? i don't know how interested i am in seeing > robert macNeil, but i could do a meal. OK. Let's try to do a meal. We could meet you at your place at 5:30pm? > i let you know about the slingshot b-day because i figured > you couldn't make the ride but might make the party > afterwards. there will be vegan chocolate cake, yum yum. I think you told me that last time, it lasted 5 minutes. So, counting on that to be my main motivation may be deeply disappointing. > ok, kathryn > > katciao