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Re: from Gail and Don Re: Xmas weekend here

 > From: "g3" <http://www.cox.net/~g3>
 > Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 16:13:12 -0800
 >     If you can use a white lamp shade in good condition in your home, we can
 > give you one while you are here. We just bought replacements for our 2
 > matching living room lamps in which one shade totally gave out and had to be
 > trashed. Let us know soon as otherwise we can either find someone else who
 > can use it, or give it to something like the local Alpha Thrift Shop for the
 > poor before Christmas.

If it's short and will fit on a small desk, then keep it for us.

 >     By phone we already answered you re: the food situation. There is one
 > soy burger of yours left in our freezer that you can use for one meal as
 > well as half a can of whole cranberry sauce in the refrigerator that still
 > seems to be good that we have no other use for.

Soy burgers and cranberry sauce.  Sounds good.

I'm glad you'll be buying potatoes.  If you boil them, perhaps you could
save me a few before adding animal products (milk, butter, etc.).


 >     See you soon.
 > Gail and Don

Why do you want this page removed?