--- Dale Kiefling <http://www.gmail.com/~daleki> wrote: > I will check out the email for headers with bcc entries. Does this mean we > need to make the procmail recipie smarter to handle those cases where email > is BCC only? Yes. I think the recipe said something like :0w *^TO\/somethingiforgot { ... } What you'll wanna do is, right after the '}', put :E: keep or something, so you can sort out all the mail that doesn't have a proper "To:" or "Cc:". Look at the "keep" folder (you probably should make sure you set MAILDIR so you know where the "keep" folder will be created :-)) and see if you can see a pattern -- why it's not getting delivered. > Sabine can you check the email that did not come over and see if it is BCC > only? > > We are currently using ^TO in our recipie. Excellent. That covers both "To:" and "Cc:", as well as "Resent-To:" and "Resent-Cc:". > Cheers, > Dale