Hi - Artie saw Dr Johnson yesterday, an allergist plus more, and his diagnosis is the swine flu along with bronchitis. Gratefully the swine flu is NOT full blown and in fact it may be changing to bacterial, alot less serious. Also he hasn't pneumonia, another big plus, and he's scheduled to see Dr Johnson again next week and perhaps weekly for awhile. For now 3 medications were prescribed. One is antiviral, one antibiotic, and one a cough medicine. As of today, only one day later, Artie feels quite a bit better and he told me that all the muscles throughout his body aren't so sore any more. Thank you so much for your love and prayers. We wanted and believe that we received an accurate diagnosis along with an appropriate plan of treatment. Interestingly enough Dr Johnson is an acupuncturist too so perhaps that healing modality may be called for at some point. Who knows, but we love that Dr Johnson is receptive to alternative therapies. Quite a few tests were administered to Artie yesterday (we were there for many hours) and it seems there may be many more to follow. Somewhere down the line Dr Johnson wants to address any potential allergies also, but for now his focus is to treat the flu and bronchitis. Artie and I feel alot better than we did previous to yesterday. We're blessed to have been led to such an expert and knowledgeable doctor, and I must say that he and Artie seemed to enjoy discussing various viruses to great depth, something I suspect he may not be accustomed to with most patients. On Artie's end he was fascinated by his intelligence and expertise and added that he would so love to pick his brain. :) Well this is it for now, some very good news indeed, but please continue with your love and prayers. We appreciate it immensely. Also as there's more news to share I'll keep you posted, but in the meantime keep in mind that... no news is good news. Our love and blessings to all, Anne Marie and Artie