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Fw: Letter

Dear Bhavani,
     I'm getting lazier by the minute.  Sorry I've taken so long to
answer your letter, which I enjoyed reading.  I liked all the photos of
your new house.  Irene, Bob & Jane did come to see us and I actually went
swimming in their motel pool.  I expect to visit Tucson next month after
regular visits to primary care Dr. & cardiologist.  When Susan gets to be
80 and Irene 81 in Dec. we'll be three Warners in our 80's.  Just heard
that Pat Warner is going to make her 1st visit here in Jan. on her way to
S. FL. Squirrels are out playing and Cardinals are fluttering about,
outside my porch.  Relay my greetings to Ted.  I often think about my
childhood, memories very detailed.  Then I can't remember what occurred 5
minutes ago.                                     Love,        Bea

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